od krstfbdk | okt 5, 2023 | English Section, Featured
Bueno, I’m sitting in my room in Buenos Aires. I’m no longer than two months here, and I’m already starting to feel like this city has everything I ever dreamed about. “European-like” looks of the streets, the architecture, the absolutely mindblowing...
od krstfbdk | júl 13, 2023 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Buenos Aires-based producer Remisería Temperley made his 2021 LP debut with Grupo Vocal Roña (you can listen here) already showcasing from the beginning a style both personal and experimental, under the criollo overtones of chacareras, candomble and batucadas....
od krstfbdk | apr 21, 2023 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
After HIEDRAH (more articles here) released their first edition of Esquirlas (conceptual album) in 2018 – a compilation of tracks from emerging South American producers. The digital label now launched their second run for that purpose. This time the selection is...
od krstfbdk | jan 3, 2023 | Featured, SK/CZ Hudba, Svet
Bez naťahovania a dlhých úvodov, pohodlne sa usaďte a ponorte sa do nášho výberu tej najlepšej hudby roku 2022 podľa redaktorov Swine Daily. Ak máte radi viac klubovú a experimentálnu hudbu, odporúčame náš nabitý SoundCloud, kde pravidelne zverejňujeme premiéry a mixy...
od krstfbdk | dec 1, 2022 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
„Soul Cooking“ is the debut EP by Martini, moniker of American multimedia artist Marnie Pagter. Built-in parallel to their visual works, the release was inspired by a wide conglomeration of disparate sources and genres, which were channelled together as a...
od krstfbdk | júl 6, 2022 | Featured, SK/CZ Hudba
DJ GÄP (Adam Matej), v minulosti Ink Midget, je na slovenskej alternatívnej scéne dobre známym menom. V minulosti tvorili duo s Pjonim (ISAMA ZING) a dnes je aktívny producent a DJ. Hudbu vydal na labeloch ako je Ashida Park, JEROME, SIRENS či Mäss, vydavateľstve,...
od krstfbdk | feb 17, 2022 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Lucidez Terminal – “20 canciones para acompañar la agonía global” or “20 songs to accompany global agony“ is the new compilation from Martirio – Chilean label and music collective. “Martirio is very happy to announce the first step of the collective’s new...
od Lucia Spankova | okt 11, 2021 | English Section, Featured, Svet
Argentinian digital label Hiedrah is presenting a new release called „Fé en la Mantis“. Behind this release is Amarú, Amarú Lucca de Maye, who is a queer activist, an Argentinian multidisciplinary artist (electronic music artist, performer and video...
od krstfbdk | júl 22, 2021 | Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Fauste (Facundo Agustín Do Santos) je záhadný producent a DJ, ktorého sme našli v hlbinách SoundCloudu. Pochádza z mesta Posadas, hlavného mesta provincie Misiones v Argentíne, ktoré leží na východnom brehu rieky Paraná blízko pri hraniciach s Paraguajom. Aktuálne...
od krstfbdk | jan 13, 2021 | English Section, Featured, SK/CZ Hudba, Svet
Každý rok prinášame výber najlepších albumov roku. Ustálili sme sa na formáte, kde každý redaktor Swine Daily vyberie svojich TOP 5 albumov. Za 365 dní však vyjde kvalitnej hudby omnoho viac a bola by škoda sa s vami nepodeliť o naše tipy a postrehy. Nech sa páči,...