„Tak by asi vyzerala a spievala M. I. A., keby vyrastala v Bulharsku,“ – nieslo sa étrom pred rokmi aj vďaka hitu „Cash, Diamond Rings, Swimming Pools“. DENA, vlastným menom Denitza Todorova, sa so svojou výpoveďou o sebe a o metropolitnom človeku vracia do pražskej Meet Factory 27. septembra.
Prinášame vám rozhovor so speváčkou o novom albume, o jej spoluprácach a o tom akých umelcov momentálne počúva.
You are releasing a new album „If It’s Written“. What themes you are singing about on these songs, what part of life you wanted to capture?
Last years were marked through a lot of personal changes and (hopefully) growth for me, so this album is a collection of thoughts and realizations I was going through in that time. There was a lot of heartbreak and new positioning and re-organization of life involved, so If It’s Written is about trusting that things will fall into the right place.
Are there some particular artists (music or visual) that inspired you on the album? I love the cover artwork!
Thank you! I definitely am a big fan of Molly Dyson who did the artwork, she understood my mind 100%, and I was really inspired by her vision for sure. Otherwise some of my collaborators like Sean Nicholas Savage and Eyedress helped me think in a more chill mellow direction. I was listening a lot to my favorite band The Internet in the past years, that’s the most music I had been listening to in the past honestly.
On the new project, you’ve collaborated with Erlend Øye (½ of King of Convenience). How would you describe process with him? In what ways, he helped you and maybe inspred you?
Erlend is one of my oldest friends from back then in Berlin and I am very grateful for his support, because he is maybe the best songwriter I know. He inspired me many years ago to continue writing, when hearing my first demos and helping me work on songs. Whenever we cross paths and someone has a song in mind, it’s always a great blessing to sit down and elaborate thoughts on life and music with him and get some recordings done.
How can you descirbe your creative process? When is the best mood and time, to write lyrics and melodies?
I guess the best mood is to be fucked up and heartbroken, but not too much, and not too desperate, rather even hopeful, so that I can sit down and channel some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. Currently, and now after my album is out I’d love to investigate new ways for inspirations since the above mentioned costs a little bit too much of energy, if one wants to live life like this on the long run.
We know you are from Bulgaria. What brings you to Berlin and why specifically this city?
I came here to study many years ago and it was more of a coincidence cause I just got a student spot here.
What 3 tracks are you listening in these days?
Tirzah – No Romance
Jubilee – Beach Ball
Chilly Gonzales – Gentle Threat
Po štyroch rokoch prichádza s albumom „If It’s Written“, ktorý vydala na labely Mansions and Millions 14. septembra. Na novinke sa pomocou plejády spriatelených hudobníkov (Sean Nicolas Savage alebo Erlend Øye) plánuje posunúť od zhudobnených vtípov k vážnejším témam. Od jednoduchých hip-hopových beatov k funku a R’n’B.
Vo štvrtok 27. septembra, v noci pre štátnym sviatkom, čaká MeetFactory show, akú pred 4 rokmi po prvý krát zažil pražský festival United Islands. Vstupenky: 250 Kč, 300 Kč (+ případné poplatky) v ostatních předprodejích, 300 Kč na místě
TS: MeetFactory, Rozhovor: Krištof Budke + Verana Dobal
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