dvdv talks about the inspiration behind her new album STARVVING: „The song is almost a warning to oneself“

We wrote about multitalented artist dvdv, which works with graphics, visual art, new media art, and music when she released a wonderful album What...

Interview with Daytona Mess: I love thinking like: „If this was a font, what would it be like?“

I came across French type designer and art director Daytona Mess' (Anne-Dauphine Borione) work on Instagram. There are a lot of typeface studios and...

Our selection of recommended artists to perform at Berlin’s CTM Festival 2025

We shared the first confirmed artists to play at the 26th edition of Berlin’s CTM festival. Now, with more than 200 artists, choosing which day to...

(Premiere) Queer Venezuelan collective Machete is releasing its debut compilation Mazacote

Machete is a queer Venezuelan collective based in Buenos Aires, founded in March 2022 by Parchito + Psykopaty + QueenK. It proposes to blend...

Sébastien Forrester: „Coruscate“ is probably my most meditative and contemplative work

Coruscate is a new work for tuned gongs, bowed vibraphone, chime bells & orchestral cymbals, written & produced over a six-month period that...

dvdv talks about the inspiration behind her new album STARVVING: „The song is almost a warning to oneself“

We wrote about multitalented artist dvdv, which works with graphics, visual art, new media art, and music when she released a wonderful album What...

Interview with Daytona Mess: I love thinking like: „If this was a font, what would it be like?“

I came across French type designer and art director Daytona Mess' (Anne-Dauphine Borione) work on Instagram. There are a lot of typeface studios and...

Our selection of recommended artists to perform at Berlin’s CTM Festival 2025

We shared the first confirmed artists to play at the 26th edition of Berlin’s CTM festival. Now, with more than 200 artists, choosing which day to...

(Premiere) Queer Venezuelan collective Machete is releasing its debut compilation Mazacote

Machete is a queer Venezuelan collective based in Buenos Aires, founded in March 2022 by Parchito + Psykopaty + QueenK. It proposes to blend...

Sébastien Forrester: „Coruscate“ is probably my most meditative and contemplative work

Coruscate is a new work for tuned gongs, bowed vibraphone, chime bells & orchestral cymbals, written & produced over a six-month period that...

Festival Pohoda 2025: Mená, ktoré by ste nemali prehliadnuť

Metrík na hodnotenie festivalov je možné zvoliť niekoľko. Mnohých by to ťahalo pozerať sa na veľké mená, ktoré každý rok prilákajú tisícky návštevníkov na festivaly po celej Európe. "Za mňa je táto metrika nielen nudná, ale taktiež veľa nevypovedá. Veľké mená možno...

Swine Daily: Best Music Of 2024 – Special Mentions (60x)

You can read the recap of the year and the best albums of 2024 according to our editors in the [ previous article here ] ✤ Below is our 60x "Special Mentions" - a list of incredible albums and EPs we recommend listening to ✤ Ka - The Thief Next to Jesus Ángeles...


Opäť sme pri tradičnej téme, hudobnej rekapituálcii roka. Je mnoho uhlov, ako sa pozrieť naspäť na 2024, čo opísať, čo vyzdvihnúť, ale tu by sme mohli diskutovať niekoľko hodín. Skúsime intuitívne. Číslo, ktoré hovorí naozaj za veľa (aj keď zaokrúhľené) je 120,000....