[ENGLISH version below]
María Forqué je vizuálna umelkyňa, performerka a DJ-ka z Madridu, ktorá vystupuje pod menom Virgen María. Pred nedávnom vydala nové EP s názvom G.O.D. (Good Opening Drug), kde sa zameriava nad možnou budúcnosťou žánru EDM či hardstyle. Okrem DJ setov zverejnuje na svojom YouTube kanály špeciálne tematické mixy, kde hudbu púšťa v sede, zahalená len v sushi, či vo vírivke. Okrem oldschoolového hardstylu východnej Európy kombinuje aj reggaeton, trap či techno.
Niekoľko krát Instagram zablokoval jej príspevky. V rozhovore nám prezradila jej obdiv Panny Márie ako ikony a že vo svojej tvorbe sa snaží predstaviť jej novú modernú podobu. Tvrdí, že sexualita je blízko spirituality a spojenia s Bohom. Jej extrémne tanečné sety po čase pôsobia ako istá forma meditácie. Po vystúpení na Pohode sa predstavila aj na prestížnom španielskom festivale Sónar. Ešte o nej rozhdodne budeme počuť.
„Sety Virgen Maríe sú komplexným konceptom, ktorý ironizuje súčasnú hudobnú scénu od umeleckého mena, cez prácu s hudbou až po vizuálnu podobu živých koncertov,“ vraví o výbere Virgen Maríe Michal Kaščák.
Maria Forqué a.k.a. Virgen Maria is a Madrid-based DJ, visual artist and performer. She’s recently released new EP called G.O.D. (Good Opening Drug), that focuses on potential future of the genres EDM or hardstyle. Besides DJ sets you can find special thematical mix on her YouTube channel, where she plays music while sitting covered just in sushi or in the jacuzzi. She combines East European-like oldschool hardstyle, reggaeton, trap or techno.
„Virgen Maria’s sets are a complex concept that ironizes contemporary music scene beginning with artistic name, through work with music, to the visual identity of live gigs,“ says Michal Kaščák.
Do you have some other shows in Europe?
I’m doing Sonar and then I’m doing a tour, but I don’t know the dates. But, yeah I will do Europe and the States.
America? That’s cool!
Yeah and then Asia. Yeah, a little bit of everything.
I believe you were doing visual arts before the music?
Aha, yeah. I’ve studied art, but always wanted to do music, but I didn’t know where to go with music… Then I found my music producer [Perth Dajing] and everything started to make sense. I combined the visuals that I already had with the music, its all combined. Both are important.
After the art studies, you had some exhibitions at the galleries?
Yeah, like a performer. More performance.
And when was the time, you wanted to change more to the music?
Like 3 years ago.
How are you feeling about tonights set?
I m going to do like traditional hardstyle music, from the movement that was hardstyle in Spain that was very connected with Eastern Europe. Because… people here know something about reggaeton?
(laughs) No! Just the very mainstream stuff.
Like Bad Bunny.
Not even that!
J Balvin maybe, „Despacito“ song…
Cardi B, well that’s not reggaeton
Yeah, but sure, she has this song in Spanish… It’s sad, because of its a lot of good reggaeton, underground stuff… What do you think for example about La Vendición records? I’ve noticed La Zowi giving likes on your photos.
Yeah, we know each other from Spain. They are very nice people and I think they have created a movement, so I respect them a lot.
And are you working with some label?
Yeah, it’s from London – Perth Records.
I wanted to be like the new Virgin Mary. Basically all the opposite of Catholicism – its a virgin, shes covered, first is Jesus and God, and then it’s Virgin Mary. I wanted to make her the main character and sexualize her. She’s a free woman, she can go naked, as Jesus went out of her pussy, it’s sacred. Like doing sacred her naked body. So basically the new version of the Virgin Mary, that’s the idea.
And the visual inspirations… some books or comics?
Yeah as you’ve said from the hentai. Because hentai actually means like „sexuality out of the place“ So as I am always naked out of the place. The aesthetic of Japan, like how they portrait sexuality. Sometimes it’s weird, but it’s always a fantasy, and very free. So I like it.
I’m surrounded by a lot of super creative people. I’m lucky, so all my friends are incredible creatives, so we work together, give each other the creativity.
Do you have trouble sometimes creating music? How do you cope with a creative block?
Yeah, the trouble is all the time. But ideas will come back. Sometimes, you just need to absorb things and then create again. Because sometimes you are empty so you need to fill yourself again with the emotions, experiences…
What music do you listen to these days?
I’m listening to things I was as a teenager like Vicente One More Time, old east European hardstyle, Spanish reggaeton, and trap.
Text: Krištof Budke / Úvodná fotografia: Richard Dowker
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