Negraconda is a music producer, DJ, performance artist, Mother of Vogue Kiki House of Minerva, MUA & hair stylist, and part of the Mexico City-based label Naca.

Now you can be a little bit familiar with this incredible underground label if you’ve heard the “LA MÁQUINA” EP by DJ WEED. The collective is formed by talented artists @addlymuff @brujaprieta @djw33d_ @torinamoreno and @negraconda who all push the boundaries of contemporary club music. You have to imagine an especially diverse world of Mexican tribal music, Latin American guaracha, Argentinian cuarteto, Dominican and Puertorican dembow, reggetón, and so much more, all mixed together with wild distorted kicks and blustering energy. This is the music of Naca. We are very happy to collaborate with Negraconda once again (after our premiere of her track “PSY CO MANIACA !!!” for Barcelona-based label Aux1).

✱ Las respuestas en español abajo!

Tune in to her new track “Gozar Hasta Morir” which is a collaboration with TraxxDealer and you can read our interview below.

Tell us something about the creation of this EP. How long do you know Traxxdealer, and how was the creative process behind the EP? Was it something fast and spontaneous?

→ We have known each other for 3 or 4 years now. He was a producer for some friends who make trap music. One day, when we were going to make a song, he forgot the microphone and we started producing electronic music instead. From there, it was born this musical symbiosis of being producers of genres like Latin club, breaks, hard techno, acid, dembow, etc. The mix of all these references gave rise to these ideas and our projects. An important fact is that if it weren’t for Traxxdealer I would never have learned to produce, he believed in me and in my sound.

It’s funny because each project on its own has a very particular essence, but whenever we get together our sound has that particular way of dreaming! I call it – hard Latin Club; because with the help of synths and distorted kicks, we give it that hard techno punch with shakers, snares, percs, claps, and dembow bass. We can give it that Latin flavor, but you can still hear some breaks and melodies that give it that touch that is so ours. The process can be quick or it can be long depending on whether we are working remotely or if we are together.

How important is music production for you, and how long are you dedicating to it?

For me, music is essential because it saved my life. I had a situation with my mental health and the only thing that gave me peace was learning new things. I learned to mix and produce. I’ve been producing for two years, but for the last 10 years, I’ve been a host and also a performance artist at the most famous underground parties and clubs in Mexico. So I’m using all my skills as an artist to develop Negraconda.


You are a multidisciplinary artist, working in many fields, also a DJ, performer, Drag Queen with Kiki House of Minerva, MUA, and hair stylist, as you have mentioned in your bio. How do you see all this mix of activities? How do you divide time between all this?

Each project has its time and its place in my life. There are things that keep my economy active and this is what takes all my priority. I use my extra time to develop my other activities, with respect to my vogue “Kiki House of Minerva”, where I am the overall Mother. Guadalajara is where you could say that my house is stronger and more integrated, but before coming to live in CDMX [Ciudad de México or Mexico City] I left one of my children as the new parent of Kiki House of Minerva Guadalajara and I, on the other hand, try to activate the new CDMX chapter. But with organization, everything is possible. 💕

How do you see the musical underground movement in Mexico City, and around NACA? Do you have a lot of positive feedback?

Well, the underground as such is super hijacked by these people who want to profit from what normal people don’t have access to. But NACA generates these spaces of resistance outside of these monopolies that try to hold the scene hostage and that for a long time, you had to depend on them to be someone. Now NACA is this door for any trans identity that wants to release music without any problem and with all the support of a label. Which in my experience, cost me a lot of work, and many times I was turned away. But now, that I have a name and support of NACA, I see a light at the end of the road. I fully trust that we will resonate in the musical movement in Mexico.

What are your plans with music, are you planning to release more collaborations?

→ I have some pending compilations, tracks in collaboration with friends, and working on the next Naca compilation, one of which is a compilation of remixes of my track called “Desde mis entrañas” via Naca. And I want to start working on my next solo EP. I would like to do something very personal and with a lot of emotions impregnated as my last tracks have been. But definitely, a lot of music is coming!

When we can see you in Europe?!

→ HAHA it was a surprise but next year we will be seeing each other there. I don’t have the exact dates yet because I might have to move house before I leave, but it’s something that will happen next year!

[ You can follow Negraconda on Instagram, Naca on Instagram and support via Bandcamp! ]

★ Las respuestas en español ★

Tell us something about the creation of this EP. How long do you know Traxxdealer, and how was the creative process behind the EP? Was it something fast and spontaneous?

→ Tenemos ya 3 o 4 años de conocernos, el era productor de unos amigos que hacen trap y un día que íbamos a hacer una canción olvidó el micrófono y nos pusimos a producir música electrónica y de ahí nació esta simbiosis musical de ser productores de estos genérenos, el club latino, breaks, hardtechno, acid, dembow etc. la mezcla de todas estas referencias le dio pie a que nacieran estas ideas y nuestros proyectos. Un dato importante es que si no fuera por Traxxdealer yo jamás hubiera aprendido a producir él creyó en mi y mi sonido…

Es curioso por que cada proyecto por sí solo tiene una esencia muy particular, pero siempre que nos juntamos nuestro sonido tiene esa particular manera de soñar ! Yo le llamo – hard latín club; por que con la ayuda de synths y distrokicks le damos ese punch del hard techno y con shakers, snares, percs, claps, dembow bass. Le podemos dar ese sabor latino y pero pudes percibir algunos breaks y melodías que le dan ese toque tan de nostros. El proceso puede ser rápido o puede ser largo dependiendo de si estamos trabajando a distancia o si estamos juntos.

How important is music production for you, and how long are you dedicating to it?

→ para mi la música es muy importante por que salvo mi vida, yo tuve una situación con mi salud mental y lo único que me daba paz era aprender cosas nuevas, aprendí a mezclar y a producir voy para dos años produciendo pero desde hace 10 años soy host y hago performance en las fiestas underground y discotecas más famosas de mexico. Así pidiendo usar todas mis habilidad como artista para desarrollar a negraconda.

You are a multidisciplinary artist, working in many fields, also a DJ, performer, Drag Queen with Kiki House of Minerva, MUA, and hair stylist, as you have mentioned in your bio. How do you see all this mix of activities? How do you divide time between all this?

→ cada proyecto tiene su tiempo y tiene su lugar en mi vida, hay cosas que son lo que mantiene mi economía activa y esto es lo que lleva toda mi prioridad y mi tiempo extra lo uso para desarrollar mis otras actividades, con respecto a mi casa de Vogue kiki house of minerva donde soy la Over all mother, Guadalajara es donde se podría decir que está más fuerte e integrada mi casa, pero antes de venir a vivir a cdmx deje a una de mis hijxs como el nuevo xadre de kiki house of minerva Guadalajara y yo por otra parte trato de activar el capítulo cdmx. Pero con organización todo se puede 💕

How do you see the musical underground movement in Mexico City, and around NACA? Do you have a lot of positive feedback?

→ pues el undergound como tal está súper secuestrado por estas perosonas que quieren lucrar con lo que las personas normales no tienen accesos. Pero Justo naca genera estos espacios de resistencia fuera de estos monopolios que tratan de tener secuestrada la escena y que mucho tiempo se tenía que depender de ellos para poder ser alguien. Ahora naca es esta puerta para cualquier identidad trans que quiera lanzar música sin ningún problema y con todo el apoyo de un label, que en mi experiencia a mi me costo mucho trabajo y muchas veces se me dio la espalda. Pero ahora que tengo un nombre y un respaldo como naca veo una luz al final del camino y confío plenamente que lograremos resonar en el movimiento musical en mexico.

What are your plans with music, are you planning to release more collaborations?

→ tengo algunos compilados pendientes, tracks en colaboración con algunos amigos, trabajar en las siguientes compilaciones de naca, que una de ellas es un compilado de remixes de un track Moo llamado desde mis entrañas vía naca. Y quiero comenzar a trabajar en mi siguiente ep sola. Me gustaría hacer algo muy personal y con muchas emociones impregnadas como lo han sido mis últimos tracks. Pero definitivamente se viene mucha música!

When we can see you in Europe?!

→ HAHA era una sorpresa pero el año que viene por allá nos estaremos viendo aún no tengo las fechas exactas por que posiblemente tenga que mudarme de casa antes de irme pero es algo que va a suceder el año que viene ✨

[ You can follow Negraconda on Instagram, Naca on Instagram and support via Bandcamp! ]

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