od krstfbdk | aug 29, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Svet, Udalosti a Festivaly
Unsound is one of the world’s most innovative festivals of experimental music. This Polish festival focuses on a broad swath of contemporary music — emerging, experimental, and leftfield — whose sweep doesn’t follow typical genre constraints. Influential,...
od krstfbdk | jan 16, 2025 | English Section, Featured, Svet, Udalosti a Festivaly
We shared the first confirmed artists to play at the 26th edition of Berlin’s CTM festival. Now, with more than 200 artists, choosing which day to visit the program can be a little puzzling. Because CTM will run from Thursday 23. January to Sunday 2. February (at...
od krstfbdk | nov 14, 2024 | SK/CZ Hudba, Udalosti a Festivaly
Medzinárodný festival NEXT (report z minulého ročníka) v Bratislave patrí medzi významné podujatia experimentálnej a audiovizuálnej tvorby. Podobne, ako má Praha svoj Lunchmeat Festival, Berlín CTM, či Krakow Unsound, NEXT sa snaží na Slovensko priniesť to...
od krstfbdk | okt 5, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
Born in Venezuela and now based in Barcelona, Luis Garban is known under his alias Cardopusher and Safety Trance. He is one of the most interesting and genre-bending music innovators and has spent more than a decade creating forward-thinking dancefloor assaults. He...
od krstfbdk | sep 24, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
Kitty Sarcasm has been a music digger since her early years and a DJ by vocation. In her sets, she mixes various genres of electronic music, skilfully covering genres from Latin America, and Africa through Ghetto House or UK bass and others. She selects tracks over...
od krstfbdk | mar 12, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
As part of Subtext’s 20th anniversary, the label presents its debut album from bela as a co-release with Unsound. The first single – „The Sage“ – is available from today. ✤ (If you want to read our interview with bela, check out our...
od krstfbdk | dec 19, 2023 | English Section, Featured, SK/CZ Hudba, Udalosti a Festivaly
Next Festival has been alienating the Bratislava subculture into niche explorative parts of music for 23 years. A lot of people compare Next festival to Polish Unsound or Lunchmeat festival in Prague, but Next has its own subtle and eclectic identity, which creates a...
od krstfbdk | okt 11, 2023 | Featured, SK/CZ Hudba, Udalosti a Festivaly
Po vyprahlom festivalovom lete s repetitívnymi lineupmi festivalov a povinnosťou zapĺňať víkendy množstvom aktivít prichádzalo dlhoočakávané jesenné spomalenie v Neratove až príliš pomaly. Nakoniec sme sa dočkali a netrpezlivo vyrazili do vyhláseného podniku...
od Viktor Jenčuš | jún 21, 2022 | SK/CZ Hudba
Po siedmich rokoch festivalu sa organizátori rozhodli ísť novou cestou. Kultúrne centrum Hviezdne Noci namiesto festivalu uvedie množstvo rôznorodých eventov v unikátnych formátoch, ktoré do Bytče prinesú bohatý medzinárodný aj miestny program. Prvý z nich sa odohrá...
od krstfbdk | jún 17, 2022 | Udalosti a Festivaly
Už 17. a 18. júna sa v Bratislave koná festival Sensorium: Beyond The Sound 2022. Návštevníci sa môžu tešiť na dva večery so zásadnými postavami súčasnej hudby a celkom nového klubového zvuku od oceňovaných umelcov, akými sú londýnska hudobníčka POiSON ANNA, malijský...