V sobotu 28.8. sme v kultúrnom centre Stanica Žilina-Záriečie oslávili naše 6. výročie Swine Daily. Pôvodne sme event plánovali v Novej synagóge v roku 2020… a potom prišiel COVID-19. Sme radi, že festival nakoniec úspešne vyšiel (bolo dokonca pekné počasie) a všetci sme sa mohli stretnúť vonku pod Rondlom v Žiline. V meste, kde vznikol náš webmagazín v roku 2015. Veľmi si vážime každého návštevníka, ktorý nás prišiel podporiť, ďakujeme!
Zo Swine Day vznikli 3 skvelé fotoreporty, ktoré zachytili príjemnú atmosféru outdoorového multižánrového eventu. Dva sú od našich kamarátov Niky (@meendoxe) a Filipa (@medym) a jeden od Vincenta Wiedermanna, ktorý fotil oficiálne pre Stanicu. Pozrite si cez fotografie ako vyzerali vystúpenia umelcov a následná afterparty v garážach s našimi kamarátmi z Odyssea Events.
Na Swine Day vystúpili:
● TAKY AKOTY – náš dobrý kamarát a raper Taky Akoty zo Žiliny/Kysuckého Nového Mesta
● SEN – debutové vystúpenie producenta a rapera Sen z Čadce
● VUTRU – v slovenskej premiére sme predstavili VuTru – českú DJ-ku, umelkyňu a organizátorku eventov Fluido či bývalého Accu Festival
● NAIKAVOLS – skladateľ, producent, hudobník a spevák NaiKavols – jeden z najvýraznejších mladých talentov
● MALVINA/MAGICK – speváčka a songwriterka, ktorá len v auguste vydala svoj debutový album CandyCrush. Na koncertoch kombinuje svoje dva projekty Malvina a Magick
● NEVER SOL – česká producentka, speváčka a skladateľka Never Sol, ktorá na Swine Day predstavila svoj nový sólový ambientný live set
● EVANGELYAN – v slovenskej premiére a v druhom predstavení vôbec sme predstavili audio-vizuálny set bratov Evangelyan a Mirnyt
● SAINT CABOCLO – v prvom európskom koncerte (mimo Portugalska) sme predstavili brazílskeho producenta, modela a audiovizuálneho umelca Saint Caboclo
Počas sprievodného programu ◆ Swine Visual Art ◆ svoje diela predstavili vizuálni umelci Krisz Németh a Jakub Veselý z Prahy, Soia z Katovíc a dve maľby sme vystavili od začínajúcej talentovanej maliarky Ivy Davidovej.
● 1.) Fotoreport je od Niky Loosovej
● 2.) Fotoreport je od Vincenta Wiedermanna
● 3.) Fotoreport od Filipa Fejdiho
Report od Kevina Loo:
As my train winded its way through the countryside, I pondered on the circumstances of this late 2021 summer. This would not only be my first time large-scale live music event in more than a year, it would also be the first time crossing an international border in the same timespan. Swine Day 2021 represented much more than a humble music festival. It symbolized a cautious step forward into a post-pandemic future of arts and culture.
Held in the community cultural center of Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, Swine Day promised a pan-European roster of rap, electronica, and DJ sets ushering in a new era of post-pandemic events. Under a concrete overpass, nestled between a highway and urban scrub, it was the perfect setting for these quasi-post-apocalyptic days.
Unfortunately, opening act Najxlis experienced issues with transportation and was unable to set the tone for the day. This responsibility fell on the shoulders of local rappers Taky Akoty and Sen. Two MC’s with distinct styles, they lent a local Žilina flavor to well-established rap tropes. Hearing rap in Slovak is surprisingly pleasant to my ears. Having been immersed in Czech culture for the better part of the last decade, Slovak, to me, hits softer and smoother than their further-West counterparts. It’s also a fascinating firsthand experience for me to see the truly global reach of hip-hop culture.
This global sense of community is sorely missing these days, and events like Swine Day remind us of the ways in which music brings us together. Speaking with Taky Akoty later, we also connected on a mutual love of underground Aussie hip-hop. Who knew that Manu Crooks, of all people, had infiltrated the minds of this small industrial town in Slovakia!?
In these early hours, the crowd was admittedly sparse and sedate. This was due to unpredictable weather and the added psychological and literal barriers imposed by COVID restrictions. However, as the day went on, a rotation of Czech and Slovak electronic artists and DJs led us through dreamy sets as more attendees streamed in from outside.
One thing I immediately noticed was the strong showing of female artists. Hailing from Prague, Vutru and Never Sol commanded the stage with austerity. The former guiding us through a journey just at home under this concrete ceiling as it would be in any techno bunker boiler room set. The latter flexing her electro wizardry skills to craft a Hans Zimmer-esque cyberpunk soundtrack for our post-apocalyptic surroundings.
As one audience member commented to me, “This is some Blade Runner shit!” The two local Slovak artists ushered in a sense of calm as the day transitioned into night. Naikavols stunned us with his impeccable falsetto and confident stage presence. I was shocked to learn from him later that this was only his recent summer project. From an even smaller village in Slovakia, he was ecstatic to be able to participate in an event such as Swine Day, a platform for artists from all kinds of humble beginnings. Similarly, Magick sang a sultry set of tunes, blending elements of RnB, trap and pop to prove once again that hidden talent resides all over the world.
As Evangelyan took to the stage, their experimental blend of the live video art projection and techno/glitch-hop energy was a fitting penultimate act. The two brothers from Prague have a unique synergy, and only from speaking with Jan later did I find out the myriad of technical problems plaguing the set.
“I wasn’t quite happy with how it all was prepared, we had some software issues all day. But actually I was able to mix and experiment a lot more live… and even made some new stuff I was very excited to try out!”
By this time, the audience had grown to a sizable crowd – bringing together the local art kids, club and techno junkies. It was down to Portuguese/Brazilian DJ Saint Caboclo to finish the day and he did it with signature style. Swine Day had flown by with an edgy, dreamy quality. It was hard to believe that I was attending an actual festival after so long in lockdown. Yet, trepidation and uncertainty hung in the air as warnings of social distancing and infection rates loomed large in our minds. Saint’s set, however, brought the party energy back. Speaking with Saint backstage, I learned of the energy in Portugal and how young people are still unwilling to get vaccinated due to mistrust of their government.
The solution over there? Host club and DJ events with vaccinations onsite! Now that’s innovation.
Saint played a mix of Latin-infused jungle, trap and high energy techno. The experimental and atmospheric vibe of earlier acts was done away with as he even dropped the instrumental hook of “Tokyo Drift” by Terikyaki Boiz into the mix. It was time to party. Throughout the day, Saint also commented on how excited he was to be playing in Eastern Europe. “My friends in Portugal keep asking when I’m coming home. I keep telling them…maybe never? I love it here!!”
The afterparty hosted by Odyssea events carried that energy well into the night. For the next few hours until dawn, a tiny little garage hidden between a factory and some non-descript train tracks became a hub of European culture and activity. Friends old and new gathered around some decks to dance to an ongoing blend of dub, trap, pop, house and techno.
Illuminated by a single street lamp and the makeshift house lights coming from the garage, I surveyed the scene I had traveled from Prague to partake in. This past year or so has been a blur of anxiety, isolation, and uncertainty. For these brief moments, the weight of the world was lifted. Swine Day 2021 was a bold step into the unknown, but it had a comforting familiarity to it, and it seems like everybody’s ready to embrace that feeling once again.
Na Swine Day za Swine Daily pracovali: Krištof, Viktor (a tím), Alexandra, Filip, Ester + afterparty pomohli zorganizovať: Filip, Julo, Braňo, Peťka a tím <3 Ďakujeme Stanici Žilina-Záriečie za priestor a pomoc pri celkovej realizácii Swine Day!
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