[English Interview below] Santiago Marin Keith je čilský producent, ktorý vydáva pod pseudonymom Syntrovert. Je jedným z najzaujímavejších producentov súčasnej latinskoamerickej alternatívnej klubovej scény (ktorú mapujeme aj na SoundCloude). Po výraznom EP Sword (na argentínskom labeli AGVA, 2018) vydal v máji 2019 na mexickom DNTFCK druhé pokračovanie jeho hudobného konceptuálneho príbehu – The Gathering. Ako hovorí on sám, v jeho klubových trackoch reflektuje svoje vnútorné pocity a vnímanie hudby a času, ako takého. The Gathering je futuristický epický boj.
„Narrated by the sound of urban feudal scenarios and an inner personal battle with time transcended into a contemporary club experience,“ píše label DNTFCK.
Pozorný poslucháč si všimne rozprávkovosť a fantazíjnu stránku jeho produkcie. Jeho hudba položená často na tvrdých klubových zvukoch a latinskoamerických rytmoch, ktoré upgraduje do futuristických polôh. Spolu so snovými až filmovými melódiami vytvára jeho hudba neopakovateľnú atmosféru.
▼ Premiérujeme track „Fuerte Cumbión“, ktorý je spojením Syntroverta a Martina.PDF pod ich novým labelom WeTransa ▼
Syntrovert založil nový internetový label WeTransa spolu s Martin.PDF. Ich hlavným zámerom je vytvárať nové spolupráce, nové hudobné štýly (so zameraním na klubovú hudbu) a zviditeľniť tvorbu, o ktorej sa ľudia doposiaľ nemali ako dopočuť.
What inspired you for creating this new project WeTransa musically and artistically?
The idea to make a music label was born after collaborating in this EP “primera transa” [first transa]. We met through the internet, first exchanging messages on different platforms. We’re both Chileans but live 4 hours apart. For the release of the album “una pelea limpia” [a clean fight] of Mart1n.pdf we decided to meet and organize an event in which we would both play music. After that, we started progressively to share music and strengthen our friendship, so we decided to make an album together. Being four hours apart from each other, meaning we had to work through the internet, specifically with WeTransfer. We liked so much how the creative process of making the album turned out, that we decided to turn it into a sort of guide or format to connect people the same way we connected for the production of “primera transa”.
What do you miss on the contemporary Latin-American music scene? Did you want to create a new unique genre with this release?
We don’t expect anything specific from the Latin-American music scene, being Latin-American is not a picnic. Living outside the first world presents a series of difficulties that don’t permit you to expect anything from life, really. Life goes by and we can’t control what’s going to happen and how. What we do believe is that this project is born in a crucial moment in contemporary Latin American history, in which collectivity is flourishing as an identity element in the region. For the same reasons, we didn’t intend to create a genre or be naively innovative. On the contrary, we believe that this whole process is a consequence of how life is evolving in our region.
Motto WeTransa:
ES > Uniendo productores, haciendo comunidad.
SK > Spájame producentov, vytvárame komunitu.
ENG > Uniting producers, creating community.
Statement: WeTransa is a musical producer platform that seeks through collective creation to be a self-managed sound community space. Our production system is the generation of creative alliances between two producers, sound artists or musicians who will work together to generate new sound works of free access. The format of collaboration and registration of music produce & that will be delivered to the community will be egalitarian, free and structured as:
3 tracks
2 artists
1 EP
Text: Krištof Budke / Swine Daily on Instagram, Spotify, Twitter ●
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