Trojica originálnych MC´s z Edinburghu Young Fathers po svojom debutovom albume DEAD (Big Dada, 2014), ktorý vyhral Mercury Music Prize, pred chvíľou na svojom Facebooku oznámila nový album White Men Are Black Men Too. Taktiež z neho zverejnili nový singel. Prečítajte si, čo povedali svojim manažérom na obhajobu názvu tejto novinky.
Štyri mesiace potom, ako si trio odnieslo domov cenu Mercury Prize za album DEAD, oznámilo detaily ohľadom ďalšieho albumu. Ten má vyjsť 6.4. 2015 na labeli Big Dada a zverejnený je aj tracklist:
1) Still Running
2) Shame
3) Feasting
4) 27
5) Rain Or Shine
6) Sirens
7) Old Rock n Roll
8) Nest
9) Liberated
10) John Doe
11) Dare Me
12) Get Started
Nahrávka bola vytvorená počas svetového turné Young Fathers minulý rok. Ako uvádza Guardian, nahrávali všade, kde to bolo možné: v hotelovej izbe v Illinois, v skúšobni v Melbourne, v Berlínskom sklade, vo fotografickom štúdiu v Londýne a v ich „normálnej pivnici“ v Edinburghu. Prvá ochutnávka, ktorú trio zverejnilo je pesnička Rain or Shine, ktorú si môžete vypočuť tu –
Na svojom Tumblr, Alloysious Massaquoi dôrazne vysvetľuje manažmentu vydavateľstva, prečo kapela trvá na názve albumu White Men Are Black Men Too. Prečítajte si kompletný zverejnený email:
I still prefer the first title by far and stand by it.
I’m aware of the points we’ve discussed but all that sounds like to me is, we are trying to cater to what other people might think, as if it’s a negative thing, which it’s not. We came at it from a different angle, a positive angle. it’s got issues of race and so what? Why should alarm bells start ringing, even though in general conversations race, politics, sex and religion are always the subject matter? Why should it be discussed behind closed doors and never confronted head on?
How do we help tackle one of the biggest hinderances in people’s lives and the world… by not putting the question forward and not letting people debate positively or negatively about the statement?
Motown music helped change the world, made it acceptable for blacks to be on radio and seen on TV, MJ did it too. Martin Luther King wanted equality and achieved it to some degree. But, after all that, are things equal in this world? FUCK NO. I still want to ask for it (equality) backed with the best music we’ve ever recorded. A pop album, our interpretation of what a pop album should be.
Weight with words, which is the title plus the pop sensibility of the songs (respectively).
I wanna stand for something which I helped make. Folk will complain about absolutely anything… Even if it’s it from the purest of intentions you just can’t win. We don’t make music to please other people or write certain lyrics to do so, either. Why start now?
When the title was first put forward everybody was excited and 100% there was no fear. That same commitment needs be carried on to make it work despite worries after it’s been digested.
Album si môžete predobjednať tu.
Zdroj: Young Fathers, The Guardian Foto: Young Fathers
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