Argentínsky label Hiedrah Club de Baile patrí medzi jeden z najzaujímavejších kolektívov na experimentálnej tanečnej klubovej scéne. Už od roku 2013 konzistentne vydáva radikálnych producentov a producentky z celej Latinskej Ameriky. Hiedrah je na našom radare už dlhšie a s projektom Lamurya od Stasya, sme nadviazali užší kontakt. Track „Tributo ft. Alada“ sme premiérovali na Swine Daily.
Hiedrah: „…we promoted the singularity of identity and cultural minorities in Latin America in order to create a new libertarian policy concerning the joy of bodies. In a constant dispute against the neo-colonialist process in our region, we look forward to produce, explore and give visibility to the miscegenation and ritual experience of our ancestors. Today, our learning has led us to develop a management link with other artistic and militant boards of the continent. We are not the same: we are boosted by our differences.“

Logo Hiedrah Club de Baile
Z Buenos Aires sa teraz Hiedrah hlási s novým projektom. Ide síce „len“ o 2-trackové EP na ktorom sa spojila dvojica producentov Siu Mata a Amor Satyr, dokopy vytvorili však veľmi silný a originálny klubový počin. Aktuálna elektronická hudba v tom najlepšom. Ako uvádza vydavateľstvo v oficiálnom texte, „zapoj svoje zmysli v tanečnej terapii a vylieč svoju dušu v 150 BPM,“ či „push the limits of the transcendental at the speed of the tachyon!“. Môže to znieť prehnane, no dvojica trackov má naozaj akúsi divnú transcendentálnu silu, najmä v hypnoticky pulzujúcich beatoch a v „mimozemsky“ znejúcich zvukoch. Zatiaľ čo „Neutrino“ je úvodom do vesmírneho klubového sveta, „Tachyon Particles“ je jedným z najsilnejších klubových trackov, ktoré som tento rok počul. Šamanské zvuky a pulzujúce sub basy prichádzajú do popredia ako zvuky zo záhrobia. Akoby šlo naozaj o nejakú tanečnú terapiu.
Prečítajte si aj krátky rozhovor s producentmi Siu Mata a Amor Satyr:
What is „Tachyon Particles“ about?
A tachyon particle is a hypothetical particle that always travels faster than light, we used this symbol to represent the high energy of the EP. On a more musical approach, we would say that this EP is about high BPM drum work with heavy sub (bass). It’s a vision of sound system music, that we like a lot.
How do you meet each other? How do you start working on collaboration?
We met each other 6 years ago, Amor Satyr joined Siu Mata association called Big Brothers. For 3 years we live together in the countryside of Paris, on a big farm, with our studio. We did a lot of collaboration lately but also in the past when we moved to the farm.
Why or when do you start to be interested in Afro-Latin club rhythms?
Amor Satyr got interested in Latin club music, because his father lived 15 years in Rio de Janeiro, and had his little sis and little bro there. So he visited Brazil a lot of time when he was young (when his parents could afford it), and learn about baile funk culture, later he became a DJ and started playing some baile funk, that led him to other Latin club music.
Siu Mata did a trip to South America 3 years ago, he first discovers reggaeton, and after digging at his return he found more prehispanic rhythm and really liked it.
Why do you think Tachyon Particles must be part of Hiedrah records?
We think Tachyon could be part of the Hiedrah catalog because it has this dark epic feeling. Also, it’s quite hybrid, with a lot of percussions, like other releases on the label… and we really loved the label for years now.
Text: Krištof Budke / Questions: Nahuel / Shout out to: Hiedrah Club de Baile
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