Auspicious Family, Badsista, Slikback, Teya Logos, a mnohí ďalší vystúpia na prvom virtuálnom ročníku festivalu CTM. Ide o prvú spoluprácu vo virtuálnej venue Club Matryoshka.
Founded in 2019, Club Matryoshka is an international virtual venue, home and safe haven to underground and unorthodox music mutants. Based in the Philippines and built in Minecraft, Club Matryoshka was founded and developed by a community of gamers, artists, and musicians. similarobjects, dot.jaime, cavill, ahju$$i, JohnPope, and Maengo69 felt a lack of freedom and acceptance in club scenes, both in Manila and abroad, and sought alternative avenues for sharing their work and finding community. The club opened in July 2019, barely a year before COVID-19 would bring in-person events and nightlife to a halt.
The co-curated club night on 15 August features Bedouin and Houndstooth affiliate Aquarian, who delivers supersized rave cuts and breaks.
Auspicious Family, who seek hyperstimulation via vibrant aural and visual collage; São Paulo club star BADSISTA, whose adventurous DJ sets might swim through baile funk, hard trance, hardcore, and anything in between.
galen tipton, the visual artist, DJ, and producer known for hyper-real digital assemblages; Haute Couture from Manila who blends post rock and midwestern emo sensibilities with heavy distorted beats and pulsating screams; HDMIRROR, known for outrageous, hyperreal, rave-nostalgic productions; SVBKVLT signee Hyph11E, who reconfigures club tropes, mangling them in high definition; irreverent techno queen Jasmine Infiniti, with an affinity for any and all sounds with grit; Mobilegirl, whose mixes guarantee eclectic, wide-ranging and unconventional blends; Moesha13, who embodies an international and digital musical aesthetic across amalgamations of French hip-hop, hardcore, and reggaetón; quest?onmarc who creates unusual pairings of ballroom, house, metal, and industrial:
RUI HO, who fuses traditional Chinese melodies with dance music tropes; DJ Sisso, who step up the tempo with the raw madcap energy of singeli; their Nyege Nyege compatriot
Slikback, known for dark, outrageous productions that fuse footwork, trap, grime, and a variety of contemporary underground African club styles; 16 year old Filipino artist Teya Logos, who crafts abrasive club sounds without ever having stepped foot in one; Club Matryoshka cofounder and digital culture afficionado similarobjects; and Y-DRA, who explores various styles and sound-induced trance states of the massive music phenomenon of koplo („stupid“ in Indonesian).
Club Matryoshka x CTM features
- Aquarian [CA/DE]
- Auspicious Family [PH]
- DJ Sisso [TZ]
- galen tipton [US]
- Haute Couture [PH]
- Hyph11E [CN]
- Jasmine Infiniti [US]
- Mobilegirl [DE]
- Moesha13 [FR]
- quest?onmarc [US]
- Slikback [UG]
- Teya Logos [PH]
- similarobjects [US]
- Y-DRA [ID]
Taking Part on Minecraft To take part in the club night on Minecraft you need:
- Discord account (free)
- Minecraft client (MAC/PC Java Edition v.1.15.2 only)
- Pre-registration with Club Matryoshka for Minecraft entry (free)
Attendees must be registered in the Club Matryoshka Discord server to access the Minecraft world. To participate, clubgoers must register here by August 12, 2020, 00:00 (GMT+8). If you are unable to snag an in-game slot, don’t worry – you can still enjoy the show from the Twitch stream, which will be shared on the day of the show via socials and Discord.
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