od Denisa Funtíková | jan 31, 2020 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie, Rozhovory
„You have seen us work side by side Ankali all year. We are ready to take you on next level.“ Ako tvrdia organizátori, spolupráca medzi klubom Ankali a promotérskym a DJ-ským kolektívom Onyx (N69, ARNII, ARIANA, FRACTIONS live) potvrdzuje posilnenie...
od krstfbdk | jan 15, 2020 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie, Svet
[El texto en español está abajo] After tracks by Prague based DJ TUCO, Dreem Tran’s, singer and producer Rattlesnakke from Buenos Aires or bass music virtuoso Clyde, we are presenting a new song „Heridas“ from Chilean producer Alpha S. OJOZ NEGROZ...
od krstfbdk | dec 16, 2019 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
“I love seeing emotions that are considered to be taboo, the worst of us, and just being like: fuck it, I’m gonna explore that,” hovorí britská raperka a DJ-ka pre magazín i-D. Práve sebaistota a prekonávanie stereotypov spojených s krásou či sexualitou sú pre...
od krstfbdk | nov 21, 2019 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie, Svet
IA (Intruder Alert) is a Warsaw-based collective, that releases music and occasionally organizes concerts. I wrote them because of the booking of Iranian artist Sadaf (who we organized a week-long Central European tour). Unfortunately, we were not able to make a show...
od Verana Dobal | nov 13, 2019 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie, Svet
Crisis’ third release comes from Budapest based beat-maker Lajos Nádházi under his AIWA moniker. He’s an integral part of the local music scene and is a regular at both Crisis and Farbwechsel since early days. The four-track EP opens up with the cinematic soundscapes...
od krstfbdk | okt 29, 2019 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie, Svet
– „Here’s a write-up I promised a looooooong time ago. Would Swine be up for posting it? I compare three artists that share a common thread but each are quite unique in their own right,“ – Kevin wrote me – Sure we’re...
od krstfbdk | sep 25, 2019 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
FULLSCREEN by FAUSTO MERCIER is, as the title hints at, a deeply immersive and undeniably full spectrum endeavor. With relentless showerings of razor-sharp kicks, precision-timed laser pulses and rubbery squeals, the overall construction is in the first place liquid,...
od krstfbdk | sep 11, 2019 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
[English interview continues below] Flying Lotus o ňom hovorí, že je to ďalší Aphex Twin. Tento mladý a nesmierne všestranný producent a vizuálny umelec tvorí elektronickú hudbu, ktorá patrí medzi to najzaujímavejšie na súčasnej scéne. Okrem hudby sú pre Iglooghosta,...
od krstfbdk | sep 3, 2019 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie, Rozhovory
[English text below] Sky Parnes, ktorý vystupuje aj pod DJ-ským pseudonymom Sückie, je argentínsko-americký producent, zvukový inžinier a umelec, ktorý vydáva na buenosaireskom vydavateľstve AGVA Records svoj debutový projekt IRALA. Zmes latinskamerickej hudby,...
od krstfbdk | aug 9, 2019 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
[ENGLISH interview below] UPDATE: ★ [Later after this Interview, we have organized 3 shows of Sadaf in Czech Republic and Slovakia. Here are the fotos from New Synagogue, Žilina + here is the tour diary for Paper Mag]. Sadaf is open for Europe bookings from April...