Machete is a queer Venezuelan collective based in Buenos Aires, founded in March 2022 by Parchito + Psykopaty + QueenK. It proposes to blend experimental and electronic music with Latin American genres, created by and for dissidents. They offer an eclectic sound by mixing various avant-garde club music genres. The new compilation will be out on January 17th and contain 31 tracks. So be sure not to miss it!

Satira (from A.F.A.B.) is one of the key figures in Buenos Aires experimental music-fashion-arts scene. After her third EP for the legendary Hiedrah Club De Baile label (SINLOSOJOS. NOHAYFANTAS​Í​A), we have the pleasure of premiering her track for Machete’s debut compilation. As Satira’s unique artistic signature, this track „Tabú“ blends many musical genres to create her own world. We can feel a kind of strange, mysterious romantic atmosphere. Her previous EP was about love and the ways in which it makes a dent in our bodies. We can say the same about this track.

You can stream it via SoundCloud and find our interview with Machete’s team below.

What is the vision of the label?

„Machete’s vision as a label focuses on reimagining the immaterial fantasies of the club through the fusion of musical genres. It seeks to explore and express dissident experiences within the realm of music and club culture, offering a platform for experimentation and the representation of queer and Latin perspectives. Through this approach, the label aims to create an inclusive and transformative space where music becomes a medium to question and redefine the dancefloor.“

Do you want to focus on club music, post-club, etc., or do you want to explore something else?

„While our focus is indeed centered on club music, we use the word immaterial – something not governed by any established rules. This allows artists to feel free to play with concepts in an interpretive way that reflects their art and skills. For this reason, we are excited to collaborate with diverse talents from around the world. The club is defined by those who listen to it.“

Is there any label or record label that inspires you in the way you do things?

„We don’t take a specific label as direct inspiration for our way of working. However, there are several labels we have followed for a long time and deeply admire and cherish. These have been references for us in terms of their vision, their way of connecting with dissident audiences, and their commitment to the musical experience. While we don’t specifically adopt their models, their work has influenced how we conceive and develop our own path in music and club culture. NAAFI, Hiedrah, Swine Daily, AFAB, Kioskera, and Visceral are some examples.“

What are the important factors when selecting a project (EP, album, etc.)?

„When we began curating Mazacote, we mainly focused on gathering a variety of artists who embody what we envision for this new project as a label. This included producers from the Argentine scene who have supported Machete since its inception. Affinity is fundamental, as we seek collaborative relationships. Looking ahead, we already have our sights set on several projects with incredible people, leaving us eager for this new stage.“

∎ Cover artwork by @alqhabeto / Check out more on Machete’s Instagram / Bandcamp

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