PRINCÍPE je hudobné vydavateľstvo sídliace v portugalskom hlavnom meste. Ako uvádza vo svojom oficiálnom texte „sa naplno venuje vydávaniu 100% reálnej modernej tanečnej hudby, ktorá pochádza z tohto mesta, jeho predmestia, slumov a get.“ DJ LYCOX, DJ MARFOX, DJ NIGGA FOX, NÍDIA, DJ NERVOSO, DJ FIRMEZA a ďalší svojimi progresívnymi produkciami vytvárajú „nové zvuky, formy a štruktúry so svojim vlastným unikátnym setom poetiky a kultúrnej identity.“ Márcio Matos, umelec, ktorý sa stará o vizuálnu identitu labelu a dizajn nahrávok, je taktiež dôležitou súčasťou tohto súdržného hudobného ekosystému.
Jeho štýl je charakteristický výraznými ťahmi štetca, dominantnou čiernou, alebo maximálne červenou a žltou farbou. Jeho diela pripomínajú jaskynné a primitívne maľby, sú však silným grafickým materiálom pre surové tanečné produkcie umelcov, ktorých dokopy spája pod jeden kmeň.
Prečítajte si už náš rozhovor s portugalským výtvarníkom.
Did you make art when you were a kid? Do you remember some of your first drawings, paintings?
Yes I did… since I can remember I’ve always been making drawings.
I remember drawing some F1 race cars, battleships, cowboys and the Super Mouse as a child.
Do you remember what artists did you like as first? Do you have some strong inspiration from the history of art?
The first ones were Picasso, Dali… the ones who come in the books. Nowadays I don’t like Dali, especially after seeing his works live, because they are all “small stamps”, they seem to have been painted with cotton swabs.
Of course I have strong inspiration from history…not only from the art stuff but from all History / inspiration from the world…world is history.
How do you get to know guys from Princípe Discos – and how do you create this strong and original visual identity for their albums? Where did you take inspiration to create this style?
The guys from Príncipe? The DJs? Or the label managers ?
It’s very difficult to explain exactly how we met but basically: we met, we liked each other and we did this.
The visual identity initially was based around Portugal’s history but through the years and after several records releases that got a bit lost. Nowadays it’s centered exclusively on the artists and the emotions I’m feeling when a record is released… so I dropped the design restrictions and started being free. Fuck design.
The style is mine.
Are you inspired by some tribal or naive art from Portugal? Or maybe some mysticism or symbolism from older art?
I’m inspired from my everyday life and from everything I see, what I like and what I hate.
What other activities are you involved in, do you work on some visuals for other artists? Can you make a living from art?
I paint and I draw a lot. I’ve done lots of shit that I usually forget about… I tend to focus more in the future. I’ve done some art for others, search and you will find.
I have two other labels: one is NOISENDO, the other is HOLUZAM.
I also work at Flur record shop / play vinyl records /
I’m usually always angry. I hate writing.
Living from art? No … because I don’t sell myself.
Questions: Krištof Budke
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