od krstfbdk | sep 18, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory, Udalosti a Festivaly
> is a new club series in Fuchs2, focused on exploring the vital and bubbling scenes from Latin America and the Global South. Every night of Latin Core — brought by Vlzques (Swine Daily), one of the new F2’s curators — will promise an explosive and energetic...
od krstfbdk | sep 15, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie, Rozhovory
The team of Swine Daily is closely following the artists from the incredibly vivid underground scenes across the world. We have premiered a lot of wonderful songs and tracks from talented producers, collectives, and labels. But with so much music, we decided to push a...
od krstfbdk | sep 12, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
José Hernández, also known as 1RM40, is a multidisciplinary artist bringing a fresh sound to the Latin American underground club scene. 1RM40 creates electronic rhythms inspired by the multiculturalism and biodiversity of Latin America, particularly from his hometown...
od krstfbdk | aug 31, 2024 | Premiéry a Recenzie, SK/CZ Hudba
sorbitol drops is a music producer and visual artist based in Prague. With a background in visual arts, where he mostly works with multimedia installations incorporating video and sound, he recently took a shift towards more focus on experimental electronic music....
od krstfbdk | aug 29, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Svet, Udalosti a Festivaly
Unsound is one of the world’s most innovative festivals of experimental music. This Polish festival focuses on a broad swath of contemporary music — emerging, experimental, and leftfield — whose sweep doesn’t follow typical genre constraints. Influential,...
od krstfbdk | aug 27, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Athens, Georgia producer Marcel Sletten’s fourth album is his most intense work to date. Fusing cavernous dub techno percussion with brutal passages of harsh noise wall, Heather and Birch is a far cry from the shimmering ‘80s synths of Vicious Kisses or the...
od krstfbdk | aug 21, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
Ecuadorian producer Daniel Gachet, aka Entrañas presents his debut full album Caverna on Infinite Machine. The project explores an amalgam of polyrhythms found in traditional Ecuadorian music such as bomba and albazo, blending them with jagged atmospheres of UK bass...
od krstfbdk | aug 13, 2024 | SK/CZ Hudba, Udalosti a Festivaly, Umenie
V druhé polovině srpna se již tradičně rozezní okolí Velkého Meziříčí solidní dávkou muziky. Festival Bezmez chystá pro milovníky mladé české hudby pořádnou nálož kapel i doprovodných programů, ze kterých si vyberou i ostřílení festivalníci. Tentokrát bude festival...
od krstfbdk | aug 11, 2024 | Featured, Udalosti a Festivaly, Umenie
Sanatorium Sonorum je festival zvukových umění v obci Pěčice u Mladé Boleslavi, který se uskuteční 24. srpna 2024. Mezinárodní umělci budou na festivalu koncertovat se skladbami a uměleckými projekty, které vznikly přímo v místě konání při rezidenčních pobytech....
od krstfbdk | aug 11, 2024 | Featured, Udalosti a Festivaly, Umenie
„Pak maj kinaři nějak žít. Jedou na Filmovku, protože… Filmovka. Ale do kina nechoděj.“ Tolik můj nedělní odposlech ve frontě na film Narodil jsem se, ale… Jacudžira Ozua. Nad rantem pána, jehož jméno sice sonduju z akreditace, co má na krku, ale okamžitě zapomínám,...