<< LATIN CORE >> is a new club series in Fuchs2, focused on exploring the vital and bubbling scenes from Latin America and the Global South. Every night of Latin Core — brought by Vlzques (Swine Daily), one of the new F2’s curators — will promise an explosive and energetic atmosphere. In collaboration with new F2’s resident CRRDR and his label Trampa, we will showcase artists from increasingly sought-after waters of the contemporary underground genres and hybrids. (You can find some of the older premieres with CRRDR in this article or here).

Check out the recent interview about the club night and „Latin Core“ below ➔

Las respuestas también están disponibles en español ➔

✦ Francisco Corredor aka CRRDR is a multidisciplinary artist raised in Colombia, and based in Berlin. Founder of Trampa label and co-founder and producer of Muakk. He has developed a proposal based on the exploration of Latin rhythms with electronic music, creating sets that assemble the tribal rhythms and always going through different amalgamations of Latin club music looking to play with the ears of the listeners, highlighting his sound being a pioneer of Latin Tekno and Latin Core.

Linapary is a DJ, singer, and producer, one of the Latin club & guaracha gems. Hailing from Colombia’s sultry Caribbean coast, now based in Madrid, Linapary delivers girl power with a strong perreo, guaracha, and tribal vibes. She is mixing styles from the romantic and lovelorn to the strong, independent, and courageous with lyrics to make your body move, and get the party going, but with a strong message about inclusion and femme power.

The lineup will be completed by three DJs from Swine Daily (Vlzques, yangovica, Viktor), who are constantly looking for new trends in the club scene. Kitty Sarcasm from Poland will build up the energy at Salo and well-known 202fearless and Taipei800000 from Glück will heat up the dancefloor.

Crazy design by one and only @krstnklv

You have been DJing and producing in Bogotá, Colombia for a couple of years. But recently you’ve fully moved to Berlin. Why did you want to move, what were the reasons?

ESP ☛ La razón principal por la que decidí mudarme a Berlín fue la falta de oportunidades y los desafíos económicos que se enfrentan en Latinoamérica, especialmente en el ámbito artístico. Vivir del arte en esta región es mucho más complicado. Después de mi Eurotour el año pasado, regresar fue un proceso difícil. Durante los últimos años, ahorré y trabajé con la meta de mudarme en busca de mejores oportunidades. Mi intención es conectar con nuevas personas, crecer tanto a nivel personal como profesional, y seguir explorando la música, la escena club global y nuevos sonidos, siento que Berlín puede ser una ciudad importante sobretodo desde la música electrónica, y por eso vine aqui.

ENG ☛ The main reason I decided to move to Berlin was the lack of opportunities and economic challenges faced in Latin America, especially in the artistic field. Making a living from art in this region is much more complicated. After my Eurotour last year, returning was a difficult process. During the last few years, I saved up and worked with the goal of moving away in search of better opportunities. I intended to connect with new people, grow both personally and professionally, and continue exploring music, the global club scene, and new sounds. I felt that Berlin could be an important city, especially in electronic music, and that is why I came here.

CRRDR. Foto by: @fotoklubber

Now you are a big part of the movement in the club culture, as you’ve helped to establish the name “Latin Core”. That’s also how it’s called our new series in Fuchs2, and we’re happy that you are part of it! How can you describe Latin Core to someone new, what does it mean?

ESP ☛ Basicamente el Latin Core es un subgénero musical que fusiona elementos de la música tradicional latinoamericana con el hardcore y la electrónica. Este término ha sido acuñado por productores y DJs para describir un sonido que combina la energía vibrante y los ritmos característicos de géneros como la salsa, la cumbia, el reguetón, el mambo y la guaracha, con la intensidad y agresividad del hardcore y otros ritmos rápidos. Este estilo surge de la necesidad de expresar las realidades sociopolíticas y culturales de América Latina a través de una música que, aunque originalmente provenía de un contexto anglosajón, se adapta a las sensibilidades y experiencias latinoamericanas. Las composiciones suelen consistir en remixes, edits o bootlegs de canciones populares de reguetón, cumbia, salsa, entre otros géneros, con el propósito de resaltar el contexto latino, incluyendo elementos como el DIY (hazlo tú mismo), la precariedad, la piratería y la contracultura frente a una industria musical predominantemente blanca, elitista y excluyente.

El término „Latin Core“ busca reflejar la diversidad y fusión de influencias culturales, manteniendo el espíritu rebelde y contracultural del hardcore, mientras integra la riqueza rítmica y melódica de los géneros latinos. Es una forma de reivindicar la identidad latinoamericana en un espacio musical históricamente dominado por estilos europeos y norteamericanos.


ENG ☛ Basically, Latin Core is a musical subgenre that fuses elements of traditional Latin American music with hardcore and electronic music. This term has been coined by producers and DJs to describe a sound that combines the vibrant energy and characteristic rhythms of genres such as salsa, cumbia, reggaeton, mambo and guaracha, with the intensity and aggressiveness of hardcore and other fast rhythms. This style arises from the need to express the sociopolitical and cultural realities of Latin America through music that, although originally coming from an Anglo-Saxon context, adapts to Latin American sensibilities and experiences. The compositions usually consist of remixes, edits or bootlegs of popular songs from reggaeton, cumbia, and salsa, among other genres, with the purpose of highlighting the Latin context, including elements such as DIY (do it yourself), precariousness, piracy and counterculture in the face of a predominantly white, elitist and exclusionary music industry.

The term „Latin Core“ seeks to reflect the diversity and fusion of cultural influences, maintaining the rebellious and countercultural spirit of hardcore, while integrating the rhythmic and melodic richness of Latin American genres. It is a way of reclaiming Latin American identity in a musical space historically dominated by European and North American styles.

What was your experience during your first European tour? What were your feelings and observations from visiting all these countries? Did something shock you?

ESP ☛ Para mí, fue algo casi irreal, ya que nunca imaginé llegar tan lejos, y mucho menos tan rápido. Ahora que vivo aquí, me encuentro en un constante cuestionamiento sobre lo que significa migrar y enfrentar la burocracia. Venir del sur global a lugares donde la integración es más complicada pone en evidencia que acceder a ciertos derechos fundamentales sigue siendo un desafío. A pesar de todo, he encontrado personas increíbles, dispuestas a aprender y a ofrecer su ayuda. Sin embargo, resulta frustrante tener que lidiar con el „mundo real“, donde la xenofobia, el clasismo y otros problemas sistémicos globales siguen presentes.

ENG ☛ For me, it was almost unreal, as I never imagined I would get this far, let alone this fast. Now that I live here, I find myself constantly questioning what it means to migrate and deal with bureaucracy. Coming from the global south to places where integration is more complicated makes it clear that accessing certain fundamental rights remains a challenge. Despite everything, I have found amazing people, willing to learn and offer their help. However, it is frustrating to have to deal with the „real world“, where xenophobia, classism and other global systemic problems are still present.

What do you want to achieve with your music, in general with your artist career? Do you have some specific goals?

ESP ☛ En este momento de mi vida, siento que he alcanzado muchos de los objetivos que me había propuesto al principio, pero ahora me encuentro en una fase de cierta confusión. Mi deseo es poder dedicarme completamente a la producción musical y, en un futuro, vivir exclusivamente de ello, especialmente enfocado en la música electrónica, el pop y las fusiones entre distintos géneros en espacios artísticos. También me gustaría, en esta nueva etapa, colaborar con otros artistas y desarrollar carreras centradas en la exploración de la música electrónica, en contextos como espacios de escucha, plataformas digitales y conciertos.

ENG ☛ At this point in my life, I feel like I have achieved many of the goals I had set for myself at the beginning, but now I find myself in a phase of some confusion. My wish is to be able to dedicate myself completely to music production and, in the future, make a living exclusively from it, especially focusing on electronic music, pop and fusions between different genres in artistic spaces. I would also like, in this new stage, to collaborate with other artists and develop careers focused on the exploration of electronic music, in contexts such as listening spaces, digital platforms and concerts.

What do you enjoy most about music (whether it’s producing, touring, DJing, meeting new people…) and why?

ESP ☛ Honestamente, creo que mi parte favorita es la producción, porque me da la libertad de crear lo que quiera. Para mí, ha sido un proceso terapéutico muy valioso, que me ayudó a lidiar con la depresión y la soledad. Siempre encuentro algo hermoso en descubrir música nueva y explorar diferentes géneros, así como en jugar con samples y sintetizadores para luego transformar esas ideas en algo que amo.

ENG ☛ Honestly, I think my favorite part is producing, because it gives me the freedom to create whatever I want. For me, it has been a very valuable therapeutic process, helping me deal with depression and loneliness. I always find something beautiful in discovering new music and exploring different genres, as well as playing around with samples and synthesizers and then transforming those ideas into something I love.

3 songs that you can’t stop listening these days?

Counterfly x DaviaaLilács
Carlos do ComplexoSXO

What is CRRDR thinking about most of the time?

ESP ☛ En lo que más piensa CRRDR es en correr (lol). Un personaje que piensa en dinero, fama y en robar samples, jaja.

ENG ☛ What CRRDR thinks about the most is running (“correr” in Spanish) (lol). A character who thinks about money, fame and stealing samples, haha.

CRRDR corriendo in real life. Foto: @nacho.santini

【 You can buy tickets to LATIN CORE here / Follow CRRDR here / Fuchs2 here

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