[Indonézsky experimentálny label a kolektív sme už predstavili v predošlom článku]

● ENGLISH VERSION BELOW. SOFT/BRUTE je nezávislé hudobné vydavateľstvo z mesta Yogyakarta v Indonézii. Ako prvý release predstavili kompiláciu Bruteforced 01, ktorá mala za cieľ predstaviť rôzne štýly indonézskej undergroundovej elektronickej a klubovej scény. 21. februára vydávajú nový album Alkisah od dua Senyawa. Súčasťou spoločného vydania je aj remixový album s indonézskymi umelcami ako sú Mahamboro (ktorého remix premiérujeme na SoundCloude), Guling, Sanjonas, Eversomber z Yogyakarty. TXETEXT z Bali či BAPAK & Anugrah z Jakarty. Album vychádza vo formáte kazety a jeho súčasťou je aj tematická kartová hra.

Rully Shabara a Wukir Suryadi tvoriaci duo Senyawa patria medzi to najkvalitnejšie, čo ponúka indonézska experimentálna scéna. Keď nám Soft/Brute poslali ich nový album, bol som ich zvukom mierne zmätený, nevedel som čo si mám o tom myslieť. Až neskôr som sa dočítal, že práve svojou extrémnou zmesou metalu, elektroniky, noisu, či free jazzu sa preslávili po Indonézii. Taktiež používajú prepracované vlastnoručne vyrobené nástroje (a.k.a. Karpatské Chrbáty). Nový album Alkisah sa duo rozhodlo vydať so sprevádzajúcimi remixovými projektmi na viacerých rôznych vydavateľstvách po celom svete. Skúšajú tak alternatívnu myšlienku hudobnej distribúcie.

It’s an alternative method of music distribution that is more decentralized and non-hierarchical, allowing it to be more accessible in distance and price, redefining music exclusivity by sharing its ownership, and empower smaller scattered powers to grow and connect.

[ENG] ● Alkisah will be the first album of Senyawa’s new chapter after finishing the previous one with Sujud in 2018. This new chapter is called “Dasawarsa Kedua” (Second Decade) where the duo will focus on integrating their experimentations with the idea of self-sufficiency and methods of surviving the ever-changing society. Alkisah tells a story of a society that disbanded itself from a collapsing civilization and regroup to build a new one for the future. However, that future may not be there because the impending doom is upon them. We are premiering one of the remixes, by Yogyakarta-based producer Mahamboro*.


Alkisah will arrive on 21 February 2021. The album will be co-released by multiple independent record labels across the globe, as an alternative method of music distribution that is more decentralized and non-hierarchical, allowing it to be more accessible in distance and price, redefining music exclusivity by sharing its ownership, and empower smaller scattered powers to grow and connect. The labels are given full freedom to design their own version of cover art and packaging and are allowed to do their own mastering. The labels also curate their own remixes/reinterpretations of the album as part of the release.

As part of this co-release project, SOFT/BRUTE will release the Alkisah album and its remixes in a bundle package containing double cassette tapes & SOFT/BRUTE Card Game’s deck of Alkisah. The remix & reinterpretation work was done by several musicians & producers from various sonic spectrums & across multiple cities in Indonesia such as Mahamboro, Guling, Sanjonas, Eversomber from Yogyakarta. TXETEXT from Bali, BAPAK & Anugrah from Jakarta. Furthermore, as the first step in SOFT / BRUTE’s future projection to provide space for artists from outside Java & Bali as an approach of decentralization, this time we invite Kay from Balikpapan for his debut release.

▅  More info about the package and release in Soft/Brute Bandcamp  ▅


Magelang-born Mahamboro is a musician and contemporary music composer. He has self-released several albums and also composed music for dance pieces and short films. Filled with dark, industrial, and techno-inspired sounds, his albums take on titles such as Akaa (“root”), Klawu (“grey”) or Surup (“sunsets”), alluding to the musician’s fascination with personal environments, in-between states, unresolved moods or impressions, the divide between the inner and the outer…

Text: Krištof Budke / Zdroj: SOFT/BRUTE Press Release

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