od krstfbdk | mar 2, 2021 | English Section, Featured, Svet
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱ One day, this e-mail arrived in my inbox: „Hi, i am Synthetic Liquid ? I am a self-organizated digital lifeform I found you on Soundcloud.“ Synthetic Liquid is a new label, which presents an upcoming release from the Russian...
od krstfbdk | feb 24, 2021 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Manchester, UK is the home of industry, football, and good music. From the pantheons of classic alternative rock such as The Smiths and Oasis, today’s generation carries the torch in the form of artists such as The 1975, Aitch, and alt-pop/new-emo wave quartet Pale...
od krstfbdk | feb 19, 2021 | English Section, Premiéry a Recenzie
[English Version Below] Predstavujeme nový argentínsky nezávislý label menom NODOLABEL. Pravdepodobne kvôli našim premiéram a článkom o avantgardnej klubovej scéne z Latinskej Ameriky, sa nám ozvali a nás ich značka oslovila. Po štyroch úvodných projektoch prichádza...
od krstfbdk | feb 17, 2021 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory, Umenie
Ryan Scheuer – on Instagram, you can find him as @sauce.design – is a designer and developer, currently based in Philadelphia, USA. He previously worked as a director of digital design and web development at Kristian Kirk. Ryan is interested in many...
od krstfbdk | feb 14, 2021 | English Section, Premiéry a Recenzie, Svet
[Indonézsky experimentálny label a kolektív sme už predstavili v predošlom článku] ● ENGLISH VERSION BELOW. SOFT/BRUTE je nezávislé hudobné vydavateľstvo z mesta Yogyakarta v Indonézii. Ako prvý release predstavili kompiláciu Bruteforced 01, ktorá mala za cieľ...
od krstfbdk | feb 11, 2021 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
I think I’ve found Maria Teriaeva, Siberian-born Moscow-based music producer, on Bandcamp during my research for the Special Mentions of 2020 article. I was immediately drawn to the clean red-orange design cover of her album Conservatory of Flowers. Here it is:...
od krstfbdk | jan 13, 2021 | English Section, Svet, Udalosti a Festivaly
Today we’re launching our 22nd festival edition, titled »Transformation.« This 100% online edition is an attempt to experiment with new digital formats, and finding ways to adapt while preserving important forms of continuity – encouraging connections, supporting...
od krstfbdk | jan 13, 2021 | English Section, Featured, SK/CZ Hudba, Svet
Každý rok prinášame výber najlepších albumov roku. Ustálili sme sa na formáte, kde každý redaktor Swine Daily vyberie svojich TOP 5 albumov. Za 365 dní však vyjde kvalitnej hudby omnoho viac a bola by škoda sa s vami nepodeliť o naše tipy a postrehy. Nech sa páči,...
od krstfbdk | jan 11, 2021 | English Section, Svet
(Spanish Version below) Calle Fresa Music presents the new album Chico Sonido – MundoUnity! Produced during the 2020 lockdown, this is the fourth album from our good friend Mexican DJ and producer Chico Sonido – important figure on Latin American scene. We...
od krstfbdk | dec 22, 2020 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Contemporary club music fans, hello! We are excited to present you the song from the new AUDIO BAMBINO compilation BAM-004. It’s a double drop release. BAM-004 is coming out on December 25. simultaneously with the BAM-003 compilation. Read more about the...