Festival NEXT 2023 prinesie umelcov ako Low Jack, William Basinski, Beatrice Dillon a ďalších
Dvadsiaty štvrtý ročník festivalu súčasnej hudby NEXT od 29. novembra do 3. decembra ponúkne vo viacerých bratislavských priestoroch výber aktuálneho diania na medzinárodnej aj domácej scéne novej inšpiratívnej hudby a zvukového umenia, premiéry aj nové spolupráce....
Premiere: Peruvian producer based in Barcelona made an album about struggle of a migrant
Matraca is a Peruvian global bass, club music curated by Lukrø. After numerous articles about the label, we're now presenting the new project by Vitu Valera. Vitu, a Peruvian multi-instrumentalist and producer based in Barcelona, offers his first full-length album...
Hyperpopová diva Hannah Diamond príde po prvý krát do Prahy
Pod hlavičkou projektu glitter.hit už v Česku vystúpili mená ako Dorian Electra, Yeule či Ascendant Vierge. Tento krát do Prahy privedú Hannah Diamond, členku labelu PC Music a umelkyňu formujúcu celý hyperpopový prúd. Koncert sa uskutoční 30.11.2023 v klube Fuchs2....
Leeds-based label LOFS: „For us, there’s no better time to be alive for music than right now“
Arriving on LOFS with an entrancing and tranquil 5-track ambient EP Halogen, Olson serenades the internal monologue with a mystical soundscape inducing the passenger into an unforgettable hallucination. Previously making his mark in the dance music scene through...
Fest Anča 2024 spúšťa prihlasovanie filmov na 17. ročník
Medzinárodný festival animácie Fest Anča je jediný slovenský multimediálny festival zameraný na animovaný film primárne pre dospelého diváka a zároveň jediný Academy Awards® Qualifying festival na Slovensku. Každoročne sa koná v Novej Synagóge v Žiline a v kultúrnom...
Pozrite si ako vyzeral októbrový Crave v pražskom Fuchs2 a Bike Jesus (report)
Október priniesol do Pražských klubov radu event-ov, z ktorých Crave určite stojí za zmienku. Tretí a veľkostne najväčší Crave sa uskutočnil vo Fuchs2 a Bike Jesus na všetkých troch stage-och. Okrem teamu Swine Daily, ktorý bol nespochybniteľným highlightom večera,...
Buenos Aires-based digital hardcore duo Aguja presents „Música Electrónica I“
We are very happy that we got in touch with Argentinian artists duo Aguja. Exclusively you can hear their first track from their upcoming project that will be out on November 11 (Bandcamp). It is a selection of electronic compositions and improvisations recorded live...
Swine Premiere: Parisian DJ and producer AnyoneID teases new EP Cross Rhythm
French global bass and club music label Couvre x Chefs presents their new release. EP titled Cross Rhythm is the work of Parisian producer and DJ anyoneID. After solo releases from Scarlett and BJF - and two compilations - this EP marks the label’s first publication...
ANNIHIL: „This EP is a story about grief in the loss of innocence and joy in the reclamation of self“
We've received an email from a New York-based artist called ANNIHIL, who is presenting the new EP called NO LIMIT, which will be released on USB and Cassette via the artist's own imprint HEADLOCK. The artist told us that Axine M recommended our platform so I was...