od krstfbdk | mar 12, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
As part of Subtext’s 20th anniversary, the label presents its debut album from bela as a co-release with Unsound. The first single – „The Sage“ – is available from today. ✤ (If you want to read our interview with bela, check out our...
od krstfbdk | mar 9, 2024 | Featured, SK/CZ Hudba, Udalosti a Festivaly
Kultúrne centrum a kolektív Hviezdne noci sa so svojim obľúbeným mestským festivalom presúvajú do hlavného mesta regiónu, v ktorom pôsobia takmer 10 rokov – do Žiliny. V termíne 14. a 15.6. pozývajú na letné prebúdzanie sa v spoločnosti pestrého výberu súčasnej...
od krstfbdk | mar 4, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie, Rozhovory
Our favorite new UK-based label All Centre is welcoming DJ QGB for their 57. release. After releasing two exceptional LPs in 2018 and 2022, he steps out from his own label Present Tense for the first time to explore a club-ready approach to his singularly intricate...
od krstfbdk | feb 23, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
During my time in Buenos Aires, I get to know talented DJs and producers CHOCA and DJ ASHLEY. They played at almost every interesting underground party. I loved their unexpected chaotic energy selection. Every set, they played was different. Now, they have teamed up...
od krstfbdk | feb 21, 2024 | Featured, Rozhovory, Udalosti a Festivaly
V Bratislave sa pomerne nedávno otvoril nový klubový priestor SUBDECK na mieste bývalého Sundeck-u. Tento priestor na vlnách Dunaja je špecifický najmä soundsystémom z dielne renomovaného Wolfganga Sautera (Grelle Forelle, Flex Vienna), ktorý bol vytvorený na mieru...
od krstfbdk | jan 30, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Two of our favorite labels Club Late Music & Over My Body team up for a joint release! The new project, that will be out on February 7th, is called Apex Union, a split EP featuring Berlin-based Bungalovv & Taipei-based Lujiachi with remixes by B E N N, Dj...
od krstfbdk | jan 22, 2024 | Featured, SK/CZ Hudba, Udalosti a Festivaly
12.1.2024, Underdogs (Vojtěchkosek20000, Martin Kabrt, Bad Houf, Cringe Prince, Twisted DV, Káně Myšilov, BoLs/sLoB, Malachi Constant, Kabal, DJ Keťák) Spielplatz je pásmo devíti hudebních těles od celkem čerstvé rapové dvojice Twisted DV přes producenta a letošního...
od krstfbdk | jan 18, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
We are premiering the animated video clip „Thought There Would Be More“ by Alto Aria. This song is a taste of what to expect when Alto Aria releases their new album Limerence (pre-order via Bandcamp). The track combines the soft and the hard – almost...
od krstfbdk | jan 17, 2024 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
2 years ago, we interviewed a Berlin-based multitalented artist dvdv, who works with graphics, visual art, new media, and music, after she released a wonderful album What is the opposite of ambivalence. The incredible project took the artist nearly 7 years to finish,...
od krstfbdk | dec 29, 2023 | Featured, SK/CZ Hudba
Bez naťahovania a dlhých úvodov, pohodlne sa usaďte a ponorte sa do nášho výberu tej najlepšej hudby roku 2023 podľa redaktorov Swine Daily. Ak máte radi viac klubovú a experimentálnu hudbu, odporúčame náš nabitý SoundCloud, kde pravidelne zverejňujeme premiéry a mixy...