od krstfbdk | máj 10, 2023 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
“If we blackened out the sky we can turn it to light I wanna find you in the rhythm I wanna gift you the night I’m trynna pull up on your fears and disappear them from sight … we come alive in the basement, we come alive…” ❚ written and spoken by...
od krstfbdk | apr 11, 2023 | English Section, Featured, Svet
▷ Artist’s Intro: Felisha Ledesma is a sound artist and musician living and working in Berlin. Over the past decade, Ledesma has run various project spaces, overseen festival curation and events programming. Recently, they’ve curated (with Roya...
od krstfbdk | mar 1, 2023 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Gaspard Emma Hers (they/them) aka DJ Würm is a young pluridisciplinary artist from Brussels. Their work explores the dissociative state between multiple collapsing realities and multiple identities. Using various aliases and media, combining irony and the grotesque,...
od krstfbdk | nov 8, 2022 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
We are presenting a new project by the artistic duo Core Text (Peow Beow & Dlght). Their EP La lumière dans la boue is an interesting sound collage between ambient and experimental electronic music. The project will be out on November 20th via our favorite...
od krstfbdk | jún 29, 2022 | Udalosti a Festivaly
Medzinárodný festival animácie Fest Anča ponúkne svojim divákom okrem pestrej selekcie krátkych animovaných filmov aj výber celovečerných filmov, ktorých ústrednou témou bude reprezentácia žien v animácii. Dramaturgovia festivalu sa rozhodli konfrontovať fenomény male...
od krstfbdk | máj 25, 2022 | SK/CZ Hudba
Since 2020, Cime has acted as a merging platform for various types of creative practices including music, design, visual arts, and beyond. Together with new and old friends of Cime they continue their mutually inspiring musical exchange with individuals from all...
od krstfbdk | máj 5, 2022 | English Section, Premiéry a Recenzie
Joel Eel is a Korean-Canadian electronic music performer, DJ, producer, label manager and artist who embodies romantic vulnerability. Previously known for his eccentric and body-motive performances: with an arsenal of punishing acid lines and vocal infused hooks. Eel...
od krstfbdk | mar 15, 2022 | Featured, Udalosti a Festivaly, Umenie
PASSION AND FEELINGS. THIRD MILLENNIUM – je téma prvého fyzického vydania festivalu PAF po pandemických dvoch rokoch. Okrem klasického zimného dátumu sa tentokrát uskutoční PAF na konci marca (25.-26.) a to na Výstavišti Flora Olomouc. „Z původní přehlídky...
od krstfbdk | nov 22, 2021 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Budapest-based electronic music label EXILES presents the spellbinding second full-length album from Sinnway – Perelline. Fragile and beautifully crafted, do you have the drive and poise to climb the 12 story crystalline citadel? „After the release of his...
od krstfbdk | sep 10, 2021 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
„Three years following of her debut album ai am, singer, composer and producer dvdv (Phyllis Josefine) returns once again constructing a subterranean cathedral of collected ambient noise beneath her staple sound,“ writes Mohamed Abnaof (aka Edyth) producer...