od krstfbdk | mar 16, 2023 | Rozhovory, SK/CZ Hudba
S W I N E M O O D Karolina Beranova je česká speváčka, skladateľka a textárka žijúca v Prahe. Na scénu vstúpila pomerne nedávno. V apríli minulého roku nám Karolina so svojou manažérkou Juliou poslali na email debutové EP Please Be Gentle. Jemné pesničkárske EP...
od krstfbdk | feb 17, 2023 | Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
WRACK (Noboru Okuda) je mimoriadne produktívny producent a DJ z Tokia. Každý mesiac si pozýva hostí do svojej mix show na Internet Public Radio a pôsobí ako člen kolektívov N.A.A.F.I. či Absurd TRAX! WRACK organizuje aj svoju vlastnú klubovú sériu Chemical Monsters v...
od krstfbdk | feb 2, 2023 | Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Ear Flux is the new label formed in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. We knew Sanjonas & Mahamboro from their previous collaboration with the label SOFT/BRUTE. Now, they are presenting the debut project of talented producer called BHKT (Bhakti Prasetyo). Retaww refers to...
od Viktor Jenčuš | jan 9, 2023 | English Section, Svet, Udalosti a Festivaly
The 24th edition of CTM Berlin is right around the corner. While the festival’s rich history and reputation should be enough to convince you to go, let us zoom in on this year’s lineup and highlight some of the acts you should definitely not miss. Lil Mariko If...
od krstfbdk | nov 25, 2022 | Featured, Rozhovory, SK/CZ Hudba
O slovenskom raperovi menom Trashbag Face mi povedala prvýkrát režisérka Števka (@owlstep) niekde na byte v Bratislave. Medzi rečou padla téma hyperpop, Fobia Kid (v tom čase mal vonku skladbu „OK BOOMER“) a Števka spomenula niektorých SoundCloudových...
od krstfbdk | nov 18, 2022 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
Last Love Records is relatively new french label managed by two exceptional DJs and artists: Clothilde & Caroline, or as they are known under their artists names: Legit Girl DJ and vendredear. If you want to know their musical taste and DJ style, we highly...
od krstfbdk | sep 13, 2022 | Featured, Udalosti a Festivaly
Od 27. septembra do 2. októbra sa na bratislavské pódiá vráti festival NEXT, ktorý už dvadsiaty tretí rok ponúka prierez toho najzaujímavejšieho, čo sa deje na medzinárodnej aj domácej scéne inšpiratívnej novej hudby a zvukového umenia. Festival uvedie napríklad mená...
od krstfbdk | mar 23, 2022 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
Michail Stangl (also known as Opium Hum) has been for over a decade one of the progressive forces behind the global underground music scene, converging avant-garde, pop and underground culture. Right now, Michail is a newly announced resident DJ in Prague’s...
od krstfbdk | dec 16, 2021 | English Section, Featured, Premiéry a Recenzie
We were approached via e-mail by the young interesting label White Garden from Paris, France. What I like in the first place was the overall visual aesthetics of the label. Their Bandcamp releases and the logo perfectly capture the theme and the mood, that comes with...
od krstfbdk | nov 23, 2021 | English Section, Featured, Rozhovory
Punctum is the name of the music duo formed by Catarina Barbieri and Carlo Maria. They recorded a live material in the famous Elektronmusikstudion in Stockholm, Sweden during the February of 2016. Their bold and brilliant project Remote Sensing takes an alien...